Tuesday, March 17, 2015

99 days

It was 99 days ago that I pulled all of the gear - a surprisingly lot of gear - out of Spartina.  Masts, sails, fire extinguisher, flares, flashlight, dock lines, sun block, vhf radio, knives (filet and pocket), flotation vests......the list went on and on.  That's 99 days that included surgery, rehab, sanding, painting and epoxy work.  Spartina is about as done as she'll get.  I wish I could say that she looks like new, but really I've just traded one set of brush strokes for another.

Today I put all that gear back.  I can't tell you how good it felt.  And the Honda outboard started on the sixth pull.  Yes, life is good.  

And there's even a decent forecast this weekend.


  1. Sweetness defined.

    Me = jealous.

  2. I just found myself in the garage looking at the loaded boat. Man it feels great. Can't wait to get on the water.


  3. Are you and Fred back home?? Finally warming up! steve

  4. So Wonderful!! I too am getting getting my boats ready and looking forward to a great season. Where you are trading brush strokes, I am more at the level of just getting all the holes patches and the rigging fixed. And yet I am just as thrilled to get the my rough and ready boats prepared for spring.

  5. I'm hoping this weekend. We'll see if the weather cooperates. steve

  6. I want to sail Spartina again!

  7. There's a spot on board for you, Dave.
