Thursday, May 7, 2015


I first heard about the weather from Shawn when I got to the ramp.  "Your watching that low, aren't you?"  Captain Jack mentioned it too when he stopped by to say hello.  Arriving Ocracoke I heard the same thing.  It was only yesterday, making a wonderful 40-some mile sail from Ocracoke to Clark Creek, that I heard about the possible low pressure system on weather radio.  "Unsettled weather over Florida and the Bahamas" caught my ear as did "conditions improving for possible formation."  "Tropical or sub-tropical cyclone" all but made the decision for me to come in early.  

Above in the frontal forecast for Friday/Saturday with that low sitting right over the sounds.  Early in the season, really pre-season for that sort of thing.  Maybe it will occur, maybe not.  I don't want to be on the water if it does happen.

It was a good trip.  Not as long as I wished, but very nice and relaxing.  It included a windless crossing to Ocracoke, seen in the photograph at the top, then the wonderful sail back - one of the best days on the water that I've ever had - the next day.  I'll get some photographs out tomorrow and start with the logs in a few days.


  1. I want to do a trip like that so bad, when I see your pics and description of the trips you take, it makes my chest hurt.

  2. Having glassy seas on the way to Ocracoke is "luck of the draw" on Pamlico sound.

    Twice, I have trailered "Alert" to Cedar Island to make the shortest route to Ocracoke, and twice I been faced with 2' waves and 25 mph winds dead on the nose.

    I still have the trip on my "bucket list" for 2015.

    You did right by cutting your trip short. The Pamlico Sound can be a ruthless adversary on anyone's trip, especially in a open boat.

  3. Bill,
    I don't want you calling 911 on my account.
    I've had four crossings of the sound now, one with excellent wind, one with small craft warnings, one under power and one with a steady breeze that made for excellent sailing. It's always different.

