Monday, October 10, 2016

pathfinders on the water

I'm very glad to see a couple of new Pathfinders on the water.  Above and below you see Seth's Pathfinder, launched somewhere around Rock Hall while I was not too far away during he fall sail.  I had hoped to meet up with him to see the new boat - really like that colors he used - but wind and the forecast for coming bad weather conspired against me.  I'll catch up with him later on the Bay.

And below you will see a finely crafted Pathfinder by Thomas down in the Florida keys.  

I really envy the craftsmanship, not to mention the cruising grounds of the keys.  You can read more about his boat, called "First Light" I think, here on the Wooden Boat forum.

And for the Pathfinders not-so-new on the water, below are a couple of photographs of Spartina doubled-reefed at St. Michaels, courtesy of Jessica (who has sailed with her family a few times around the world).

Spartina, proud owner of a work boat finish, is showing her age.  Ten years old now with a lot of miles under the hull, a lot of sun wearing on the brightwork.  I can see some painting and varnishing in my future.

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