Friday, December 11, 2020

so whose life is this anyway?

So I'm out sailing this afternoon and get a text from a friend working in a high-rise along the waterfront.  "Great day to finish the wine and go for a sail" it said.  How right he was.  

The wine he was talking about was from a virtual wine tasting last night.   A young woman dropped off four bottles of wine, a tray of meats and cheeses and associated accoutrements last night.  The Pilgrim and I enjoyed sampling the wine as the vinter explained over a Webex call from his vineyards in California how it was made.    It was both interesting and enjoyable.  

This morning I worked on the schooner VIRIGINIA for a few hours as we wrapped the boat for winter.  By midday there was a nice breeze so I walked a couple hundred yards to where SPARTINA was tied up and headed out for an afternoon sail. 

Sometimes I just don't get it.  Wine tastings?  Working on a schooner?  A great place to tie up the little yawl on the waterfront?  And of course the beautiful yawl?  Where did all this come from?  How did this happen?  Whose life is this anyway?

These lines from Jimmy Buffet's THE WINO AND I KNOW seems appropriate....
I'm just tryin' to get by being quiet and shy,
In a world full of pushin' and shove.

 Maybe I shouldn't ask too many questions.  Just enjoy it while I can.