Monday, July 22, 2024

a last sail on the river

A last sail on the Elizabeth River, at least for a while.  Our oldest daughter, the Ironwoman (I've lost count of the marathons, ultra-marathons and triathlons she has completed), joined me yesterday morning for a sail in light north winds.  A very comfortable day, particularly for mid-July, we enjoyed tacking back and forth across the river.  

After I dropped her off at the dock, I motored up the southern branch of the Elizabeth to the ramp, hauled SPARTINA and broke down her rig.  It was time to bring her home for pre-maintenance.  I hope to be on the road to Maine in a little over a week.

And then there's the packing, which always begins with a bit of a mess.  Hopefully some sort of organization will take over in the next few days.



  1. Lovely! Saw you on the River on Friday at lunch time. I had a Summer intern with me, grabbing lunch at Fish and Slips, and I told him about you and SPARTINA. Best wishes for safe and happy sailing up in Maine!

  2. Thanks, guys. After Maine, a quick turnaround for the fall sail on the Bay. Can't wait!
