Friday, September 13, 2024

day four - thunderstorms and fog

Steady rain in the early morning darkness.  Wake to fog and a forecast of thunderstorms.

Not going anywhere this morning.  Breakfast comes with hot chocolate and a good book.  

Thunder at 8:30, heavy rains come and go.  Getting colder.  Lighting and thunder at 11:30, then another storm at 12:30.

Skies clear early afternoon.  Quickly break down the boom tent and ready for sail.   Anchor up 1:30, motor around the corning to find a wall of fog.

Back to the anchorage where I find warm sunshine.  Late afternoon fog rolls into the creek.  Hoping for better weather tomorrow.



  1. Agreed. But the next day, day five, made up for it all! Hope all is well. Steve
