Thursday, June 13, 2024

day nine - Cape Lookout Bight

Another nostalgic day.  I've sailed into Cape Lookout Bight a few times over the years, sometimes by sailing outside on Onslow Bay, sometimes through the winding channels of Barden Inlet.  It is a favorite place that I want to enjoy.

There is a D-ring sewn into the inside peak of my boom tent.  I realize that with a bit of line I can roll up a good portion of one side of the tent or the other.  Having one side up and one side down gives me both protection from the sun and a nice view.  I try not to think about how many years have had this boom tent and only now figure this out.

Morning comes with a hot breakfast.  Reading.  Napping.  I wade to the beach and walk along the shore.  Sea shells everywhere.  Two small dead sharks lay on the beach with eerily blue eyes.  A sailor who living on a 36-foot sloop paddles a small kayak in from his boat to say hello.  The bight's water seems to get brighter as the day goes on.  Back to the boat.  Lunch and a nap.  Reading, catching up on the news.  And I relax in a state that is not quite awake, not quite asleep.  Dinner.  Crawl into the sleeping bag.


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