Friday, September 13, 2024

day three - should have checked the weather

Wake at 5:45 to the sounds of small waves rolling up on the gravel beach, birds and lobster boats.  Light sprinkling rain.  No wind.

Sail off anchor 6:40, light mist, 0.7 kts.  Then rain.  Thinking it is just a brief morning rain put on foul weather gear instead of the drysuit.  8:50 motorsailing east-northeast in rain and thick fog.  Can hear lobster boats nearby but can't see them.  Struggle to keep a course surrounded by grey.  Heavy rain, cold and I wished I had put on the drysuit.  Should have taken a closer look at the weather.

9:45 round up to pump out the cockpit and bunk flat, steady rain and lots of water in the boat.  Thunder rumbling in the clouds.

Motorsailing.  9:55 checking Navionics I see I should be about a third of a mile from the Schoodic Peninsula.  White lines ahead in the fog.  It takes a moment to realize that they are waves breaking on the rocks. Turn due east along he shore of Big Moose Island.  10:15 main and jib down, I see a cut inside of Schoodic Island at the tip of the peninsula.  

Once the main is bundled I look up to see the cut has disappeared into the fog.  Too narrow and rocky to take the cut in the fog, we motor around the end of the peninsula.  10:25 round the peninsula and turn north. Weather beginning to clear, full sail.  10:50 round up to bail out again.  Take off the foul weather jacket and put on a sweater.

11:45 good wind, a chilly wind, comes in out of the west, making 3.0.  Noon turn towards Birch Harbor, it looks from the charts to be the best of the three anchorages on the east side of the peninsula.  

Drop the anchor up inside the harbor.  Look around a bit and realize I can tuck in around the corner in four feet of water and have better protection.  Anchor up and move about a hundred yards, anchor down 12:20.  Spread out the foul weather gear to dry.  Overcast beginning to clear, I take a nap in the warm sunshine.

16.12 NM

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