Just another great Sultana Downrigging Festival in Chestertown, it seems to get better every year. Tall ships, bluegrass music and friends, what more could you want?
Friday begins with small boats from the Traditional Small Craft Association putting their boats in the water. I had seen both Pete and Jim a few weeks earlier in St. Michaels.
And Dave, a friend of many years now, came down for a sail.
The Pilgrim, our oldest daughter and her new husband came in for the festival. We grabbed an Airbnb for the weekend. Friends Harold and Anna from the beautiful boat BELLA joined us for dinner at the house, then we joined them on BELLA for the fireworks.
A few Dark 'N Stormies on the dock, but more about that later.
How nice to wake up and walk down the waterfront, finding SPARTINA surrounded by tall ships and beautiful boats.
It seems everyone in town is out on the water.
Aussie friend Matt joins us for an early morning sail. He is a new owner of a Pathfinder, still working on learning the yawl.
Good to have the Pilgrim out for a sail.

About that Dark 'N Stormy party on SPARTINA last year... First of all, I wasn't even there when it started. I was blocks away having dinner with friends, coming down to the docks with my daughter and her boyfriend to find SPARTINA full of Schooner VIRGINIA crew members with the party in full swing on my little boat and adjacent dock (How many people can you fit on a small yawl? Many more than could have imagined.). The fireworks are exploding above, a retired USCG admiral is pouring Dark 'N Stormies on the dock and everyone is having a great time. At first they tried to turn us away, saying it was a private party. I'm getting strange looks from friends on neighboring boats, what is going on here?? Pointing out IT WAS MY BOAT - yeah, ok, they couldn't argue with that - got us into the party. The story of that evening has been told and retold, getting better (as all good stories do) each time. So this year I was gifted enough Goslings Rum to last me a long, long while. Or at least until the next party. My thanks to all who donated!

More visits to Evergrain. Got to get there early before the long line forms.
Tall ships everywhere, and crews always busy in the rigging.
Lady Maryland, out for an afternoon passenger sail.
The KALMAR NYCKEL, at right, always dominates the water front.
Oldest daughter and new husband join us for a sail.
Friday through Sunday, tall ships, blue grass and sailing. My thanks to the Sultana Education Foundation for organizing a great weekend. Can't wait until next year.