"When I think of all the fools I've been it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Saturday, October 31, 2020

day ten - red sky at morning

I wake to find Curt is already to raise anchor, the horizon glowing red before dawn.  Noting it is day ten I put on a new set of clothes, all clean and dry.  How nice. Sails up at 6:55 with calm, glassy water.  Curt and I motor alongside each other.  At Ware Point crabbers are working their pots and the breeze carries the scent of fish as they discard the old bait into the water.  A little wind and Curt motors up close and says he has decided to head south.  With a wave we say goodbye.  

Mixed berry Rx bar, buffalo bar and mango for breakfast.  At 7:40 a little southwest breeze.  Enter beautiful, winding Broad Creek at 8:00, motor sailing at 3.4 kts.  8:30 I can feel the wind filling in.  Out of the creek and on the Little Annemessex 8:30.  

We cross the river and round Island Point at 9:10, out out on to Tangier Sound making 3.9.  

Wind falls off then fills back in, 4.5.  I can see Solomon's Lump Lighthouse across the sound, steady wind and pleasant sailing at 4.5.  Lots of pelicans skimming the water, flying in groups of five or six.  I pick out a hunting blind on South Marsh Island and steer by that tiny dark speck on the horizon.  

Near the south end of South Marsh Island at 11:10, 3.7.  Wind falls off just afternoon and I start the outboard.  A west wind fills in at12:30, sailing at 2.5.   Wind comes and goes, still overcast but a little brighter and warmer.  

1:30a nice breeze, 3.3 kts and then 3.8 alongside Bloodsworth Island.  Approaching Hooper Strait a gust of wind and gps shows 5.0.  Three deadrises out crabbing on the north end of Tangier Sound.  Enter the strait at 2:10 and put out a trolling line.  It is the calmest crossing of the strait that I have ever had. No fish so I reel in the line.  Enter the Honga River as an eagle circles low to port, dips, grabs a fish and flies away.  Making 4.5 on the river just after 3:00.  

Jibe into Fox Creek at 3:30, anchor down in near a little creek in Crab Point Cove at 3:45.  29.29 NM for the day.

Italian sausage and rice for dinner with a cup of tropical fruit.  


Tom said...

Steve, I'm really moved by your photo at the top of the post. Beautiful colors and subject... that wonderful feeling at the start of a sailing day, world full of possibilities. Your composition is also so very elegant - all diagonals and different planes, yet anchored by the mizzen mast. Thank you for sharing!

Steve said...

Thanks, Tom. I like that photo too. Not bad for a cell phone photo before the sun is up.