"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Monday, June 15, 2020

day three - exploring

Sail off anchor just after 6:00.  Much more wind than expected overnight but my anchorage was good so it was comfortable.  Still plenty of wind at dawn so just put up the mizzen and jib for the downwind sail to the Choptank River, sailing at 3.6 kts.

Cook Point at 6:35, raise the main with a single reef and head into Cook Point Cove.  Looks like it would be an excellent anchorage for SW wind.  Shallow in spots but I just need a couple of feet.  We explore the cove for a while, slip out around the point into the next little bay at 8:00.  We head up into a little river then turn downwind and follow the shoreline to Todd's Point, reaching the point at 8:45.

Making 5.0 with the wind on the port quarter across the Choptank River, no other boats in sight and I've got the water to myself as the light overcast fades away.  There's an incoming tide so I aim for Benoni Point, SPARTINA rolling in the waves coming up the Choptank.  We pass the point at 10:15, entering the Tred Avon River.  Calmer in the river where I round up to shake the single reef out of the main.  


Wonderful sailing on the calm river, 5.0 kts sailing past anchorages I've used on other trips including Flatty Creek and the Plaindealing Creek.  

Spend about an hour sailing up the Tred Avon, easy downwind sailing, then come about to tack back out of the river.  Slower going and dodging deadrises working their trotline as clouds move in.

Off the entrance channel to Oxford at 12:45.  I think about lunch in town but the wind is good so just keep on sailing.  Turn towards Bachelor Point at 1:30, off the marina there at 1:45.

Sun comes out again crossing the Choptank towards Castle Haven Point.  Reach the point at 2:30 with a hot, gusty SW wind building.  Main down at 2:35, making 4.8 kts back across the Choptank under mizzen and jib.  Just after 3:00 pass the old markers for LaTrappe Creek, then round the sand spit in to a favorite anchorage.  One other boat anchored there, which raises anchor and leaves just as I drop my anchor at 3:30.

Noodles with chicken dinner, and a cup of peaches.
30.90 NM


Tom said...

Love LaTrappe, one of the most beautiful spots on the entire Bay. Thanks as always for the beautiful photos. Wasn't this the day that you scooted across a few farm-fields (according to the SPOT track)? I hope you remembered to pull your centerboard and rudder up and avoided rocks and trees. Wouldn't want you to ruin the lovely paintjob on Spartina! ;-)

Steve said...

Yes, I believe it was oats and soybeans. Not my typical sailing grounds. Had several glitches with the SPOT during the trip, hope to talk to their techs to see what was going on.