"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Thursday, November 10, 2022

days three to six - waiting out the weather

Day Three

Lunch at Foxy's Harbor Grille comes with weather warnings on the phone.  The remnants of Hurricane Ian are heading up the coast bringing rain and high winds.  I think about it for a while and decided I don't want to be tied to a dock in a crowded marina with that much wind and rain.

Cast off from the dock, a single reef tucked in, at 2:35.  I sail a lap of Fogg Cove and wave to friends on the piers.  We head out on the Miles River and make 4.8 kts.  Less wind and calm inside Leeds Creek, a take my time tacking up the beautiful creek.  

The creek is shallower than I expected, the centerboard and rudder touching the bottom of couple of times.  Resetting the rudder I find the water is noticeably cooler than just a few days earlier. 

Anchor down in a nice little cove at 4:00.  Beef stroganoff for dinner.  Winds picking up in the evening.  4.0 NM for the day.


Day Four

Sleep late, not sailing so no reason to get up early.  Could hear the wind whistling through the trees in the early morning hours.  Mixed berry RXbar, Tanka bar and hot chocolate for breakfast.  I read, nap, catch up on the log book.  Light rain beginning at 2:00.  Peanut butter and raisin oatmeal for dinner.

Day Five

Comfortable night with rain and swirling winds.  Dry suit on in the morning for warmth.  Hot chocolate and chocolate raspberry RXbar for breakfast.  Eagle perched in a tree off the port quarter.  10:00 skies get lighter, then dark and cloudy again.  Text from Bobby tells them the boats from the Small Craft Festival are out for a race.  I think of sailing down there but I am comfortable where I am.  Reading, napping.  4:00 sun breaks through and a light rain falls at the same time.  

Day Six

Rain overnight.  Wake to a gale warning that goes through Monday evening.  Chocolate raspberry RXbar and the last of the hot chocolate for breakfast.  Wish I had brought more hot chocolate.  NFL on the radio all day, sometimes I listen, sometimes I nap, and sometimes in between.  5:30 wind and rain.  Not hungry so I skip dinner.


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