"When I think of all the fools I've been it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Monday, June 24, 2024

day thirteen - going with the flow, remembered

A calm, peaceful night.  The east wind that arrived last evening persists this morning.  I look at the charts and I will go with the flow.  The east wind is perfect for a downhill sail back to Oriental.  6:25 making 4.2 with wind on the beam north on Turnagain Bay.

The bay bends to the northwest, 6:55 wind on the starboard quarter making 3.4.  7:10 round the point, 3.8 on towards the Neuse River.  On the open river making 4.4 with wind on the stern.  7:47 jibe, gps briefly shows 7.3 sliding down the face of a wave.

It's a fun, easy sail, the gps going up and down from 4.3 to 5.7 depending on the following waves.  

9:30 approaching Oriental.

Sail in through the entrance channel, round up and bring down the main and jib.  

Motor to the town dock, drop the mizzen on the approach and tie up along the sea wall just next to the dock.  Docked 10:00.  

Iced tea at The Bean, then run over to the Provision Company for a few supplies and some water.  Then a nice lunch.  Across the street I see a woman painting at an easel.  I walk over to take a look at her work,  which was very nice.  She tells me there will be artists all around Oriental tomorrow.

I can't help but wonder if some fine artist will paint my favorite boat.

Afternoon comes with a small craft advisory.  That's fine, Oriental is a great place to wait out the weather.

 Late afternoon Martijn arrives on his PRINSES MIA.  I've seen him in Oriental several times, plus we've crossed paths in Norfolk and Chestertown over the years.  I walk over to say hello, telling him he won't remember me but....and the young lady on board says that when they came into the harbor Martijn pointed at SPARTINA and say "I know that boat."  It is nice to be remembered.

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