"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Monday, November 29, 2010


Hail Creek

Abel Bay

Corsica River

Rock Hall

Cedar Island Straits

Cedar Creek

The Neuse River

La Trappe Creek

Steve's Cove, off the Choptank River

Little Annemessex River

Cod Harbor, Tangier Island

Rock Hall

Tangier Sound


LaTrappe Creek

Sassafras River

Dobbins Island, Magothy River

Smith Island

Shaw Bay, off the Wye River

Warehouse Creek, Chesapeake Bay

Tred Avon River

Tangier Sound

The Swash, Core Sound

The Swash

Pamlico Sound

Neuse River

Great Fox Island, Chesapeake Bay

The Swash, Core Sound

Chesapeake Bay

Spencer Bay, off of Pamlico Sound

Dixon Creek, off of Pamlico Sound

Wysocking Bay

Mouse Harbor

Hail Creek

Elizabeth River


Steve said...

Thanks. Just some photos I've used before. But something I've been thinking about for a while. It will make sense in a day or two. And it seemed like the right thing to do on a rough day (....week...month). steve

Kevin B said...

You are a lucky guy Steve!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous vessel is Spartina!

Makes me want to build one.