"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Monday, December 20, 2021

day twenty-five - a hunter's moon

Half awake in in the pre-dawn darkness I hear a constant rumble of diesel engines.  I dream I've anchored too close to the shipping channel and worry that I am drifting near freighters and tugs going up and down the bay.

Calm, peaceful night, wake to an exceptionally bright Hunter's Moon.  Leave the anchorage under power, a strong incoming tide through the narrow inlet so I throttle up to make way against the current, eddies swirling to port.  Outside I see the diesel sounds are not from freighters, just watermen working their trotline.  Following down the marked channel along the beach and I spot the ghostly shapes of two deer scampering across the sand and into the brush.

A south southeast wind arrives just after 8:00, full sailing and making 2.5 tracking the red markers along the shipping channel.  8:20 off Tolchester Beach where the shipping channel comes up almost along the beach.  South wind at 8:45, 4.0.

Motorsailing at 9:50 in lighter wind.  At Swan Point confused, faltering winds.  Main and jib down, under power to Rock Hall.  Entrance channel at 10:50, tied up at Rock Hall Landing Marina and paid for two nights at the Mariners Motel just after 11:00.

I tuck the sails under their covers and set up the boom tent.  Clothes duffel and electronics box carried up to my room at the simple, but clean and comfortable, fisherman's hotel.

A walk over to Waterman's for lunch, oyster po' boy with a nice view of the water from their deck.  Then a walk into town to buy some food supplies.

 On my way to the Harbor Shack for dinner I stop and check on SPARTINA.  All seems well.

13.95 NM

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