"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Monday, July 3, 2017

day six - downriver

A dew-covered tent at dawn, traffic noise from the bridge upriver and geese cackling near the overgrown islands.  The river is calm, lights along the waterfront glow.  Sail off anchor 6:25 with a nice breeze out of the south.  In the wind shadow behind The Castle I begin to drift towards the new marina.  I run the outboard for just a minute before the sails catch the wind.  Through the trestle at 6:45.

More wind making 2.5 down the tea-stained river with a light fog ahead.  Wind picks up at Fork Point, 4.0 knots with haze and low clouds.

Even better wind at Broad Creek Point, making 5.3.  We round up so I could put the solar panel out on the foredeck.  Beyond the point there is less wind and Spartina does 3.5 to 4.2 knots.  

Light overcast and low grey clouds, wind over the starboard quarter.  Effortless sailing.  At 10:00 off Bath Creek, where I had anchored the night before, the sun breaks through.

At noon we are off the North River, a launching point for a cruise years ago and a possible stopping point for today.  But it is much too early and the wind too nice, though I promise to someday explore the river and her branches.  Looking ahead I can see boats on the ICW crossing from Goose Creek to the Pungo River.

We jibe just after 1:00, round Wade Point and make 4.3 on the calm Pungo River.  I think about heading to Belhaven, but after visiting Washington yesterday I decide on a quiet, peaceful and unpopulated anchorage.  We jibe a second time, now heading into Slade Creek mid-afternoon.  Anchor down 3:20.  The wind swings to the southwest and is coming right up the creek.  I pull up anchor and head around the bend where the tall pines completely block the wind and waves.  Anchor down a second time after 4:00.  Not a soul in sight.

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