"When I think of all the fools I've been it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Thursday, August 24, 2023

day thirteen - the reach, the lugger and the storm

Morning comes bright and clear, the boom tent glowing in the morning sun.  Dew covered boat, no wind.  Under power 6:15.

Lobster pot floats show a flood tide to carry us on our way up Eggemoggin Reach.  I try to pick out the Wooden Boat School on shore but too many docks and I can't figure out which one it might be.  The crew on a commercial fishing boat hauls in a net.  I wonder if they are catching baitfish for the lobster pots.  We motor inside the little islands, first between Northwest Cove and a little unnamed rock, then between the mainland and the Torrey Islands.

6:40 passing Center Harbor.  Cool morning.  Wind comes at 7:25 and full sail in a light northwest breeze, 1.9.  A little more wind just after 8:00, making 2.3 and pointing a little higher.

9:40 under the bridge and approaching the end of the flood tide.

Above the bridge lighter wind and struggling to make way.  10:35 a little wind and I can see wind on the water uphead.  I also see the tanbark sails of a Drascombe Lugger.

I motorsail in their direction and we cross paths.  It is Travis and Kim from Canada, they are out on a five day sailing trip.  They are all smiles and look like they are having a great time.  Travis tells me I'll find wind not too far ahead.  We wish each other well and head on our separate ways.

I take a few minutes to sail by Pumpkin Island.  It's a bit out of the way but so pretty I cannot help myself.  

11:45 making 1.8.  12:25 2.7, then 3.6 as the breeze fills in.  12:35 making 4.3 between Spectacle Island and Blake Point.  Round the point and the wind falls off, 2.9.  On a beam reach, doing 2.5 just 30 feet off the rocky shore on the stretch between Blake Point and Head of the Cape.  Beautiful sailing.

Round Head of the Cape at 1:30.  2:00 light wind over the starboard quarter.  2:45 see clouds and rain to the west.  And then comes the thunder.

Motorsailing for shelter, hoping to get into the cut between Holbrook Island and Goose Falls before the storm hits.  In the cut at 3:15, begin to feel the outflow of the storm.

I leave the main and jib up too long.  A blast of wind comes with heavy rain, SPARTINA rounds up and we take a little water over the side.  Bring the main down but in the wind can't get the jib on the deck.  

Turn back downwind with the jib flapping.  Round up in the protection of Ram Island, put out the anchor and bring down the jib.  Start bailing water and the rain continues for about 30 minutes.  The storm moves on.  I set up the boom tent, then keep bailing.  Sponges and a chamois help dry the cockpit before I set out the sleeping gear.  

21.10 NM


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