"When I think of all the fools I've been it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Thursday, March 25, 2021

days five and six - a Hilton Head weather hold

Wide awake at 5:00 a.m., sleeping in a bed that does move gently with the tide will do that to me, I decide to check on SPARTINA.  I leave Webb's condo and immediately realize three things.  One, it is colder than I expected.  Two, there is a light rain falling.  And three, I had neglected to ask Webb for the code to get back into the condo.  Still dark.  I might as well get some chores done. 

It is about a half mile walks from the condo to SPARTINA.  I empty the head and take out the trash.  Neaten things up inside.  Grab breakfast - an Rx bar and a Tanka buffalo bar - to carry back to the condo with the hope that Webb will be awake to answer my knock at the door.  He is

Webb is an excellent host.  He makes sure I have what I need - he offered some of his his own supplies for breakfast but I already had my own - and he keeps busy with his reading and writing as I take care of my list of jobs.  First off I need to catch up on the log, I had not transcribed my notes from both the first and fourth days of sailing so I take care of that.  

My main gps had lost connection with the marine charts while sailing down the Broad River, I think it had taken a hard fall to the cockpit sole while heeling in the stiff wind near Cotton Island.  I boot up the older, backup gps to make sure that it is working, and then with a little effort get the main gps to connect with the marine charts on the micro sd card.  All is well in the navigation department.

I text Doug, who had given me a gallon of gas on the Dawho River, thanking him for his generosity.  I am pleased to tell him I did not need the gas after all, reaching the fuel dock at Skull Creek with over a gallon of unused fuel in my can.  But I cannot put a price on the sense of relief that having that emergency fuel can gave me.  I think I will always carry that spare gallon can, both for me and anyone else who might need it.

Webb and I head down to the marina, he wants to see SPARTINA and I want to see GANNET.  Two small boats just a few slips from each other, one having sailed around the world and the other sailing around the bay.  I still cannot get over the small size of GANNET.  I remember seeing her the first time in San Diego years ago.  At the time her mast was down and she looked like, well, a kind of big stand up paddle board.

Both day five and six are relaxing days.  Cleaning up SPARTINA, washing and repacking clothes.  I work on my log, Webb works on his projects.  Webb is correct about the weather.  Cool and rainy, maybe a small craft warning offshore. 

We take a bike ride out to the white sandy beach at Dolphin Point.  I enjoy takeout lunches from the Driftwood Eatery right near the marina.  (I swear I ordered a healthy salad the first day, but while my mind is saying "club salad" my mouth is saying "burger medium rare, and fries, please.")  Cocktail hour at 5 p.m. (how civilized) and great takeout dinners from the Old Fort Pub.  Life on Hilton Head is pretty good, even with the Spanish moss swaying in the wind and rain.

All gear packed on the evening of day six.  I think I hear Webb mixing a martini for cocktail hour.  I enjoy an excellent New Zealand Chardonnay from the Driftwood Eatery.  Old Fort Pub takeout of an excellent Chipotle Shrimp of me, Mussels Mariniere for Webb.  

If I have to wait out the weather, this is the way to do it.  Very enjoyable to see Webb.  I find myself hoping I attained my goal of being a low-maintenance guest.  I know Webb reached his goal of being an excellent host.  Tomorrow's forecast is good.


Rik_Studio said...

Wonderful writeup Steve, great to see you two together, and your two boats together.

Clark said...

Not a bad spot for a weather hold. Glad SPARTINA got to meet GANNET!