"When I think of all the fools I've been it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Friday, March 31, 2023

day eleven - water on the wrong side of the boat

Glassy calm morning, under power at 7:10.  The running tide sounded like a rushing river in the middle of the night.  Wind and full sail at 7:40.

Listening to weather radio I hear flood warnings for low-lying areas in Savannah, not from rain but from higher than usual tides.  This confirms my suspicion that higher tides are causing stronger tidal currents than the last two years.

Making 4.5 against the tide.  Round up at 8:00 to tuck in a reef.  Wind is building.  At 8:20 begin to round up to tie in a second reef.  A strong gust hits broadside and the port coaming goes in the water causing what my friend Barry calls "water on the wrong side of the boat."  I shake my head.  Not a problem, just got to get the water out of the boat.  I sail around the curve in the creek, drop anchor and begin bailing.  Sailing again at 8:35 with a double reefed main..

9:45 making 3.2 to St. Catherine's Sound.  Low overcast and cool, I slip on a sweater and foul weather pants.

Crossing a tide line near green marker "109" at 10:00, doing 4.3 with wind over the starboard quarter.  Looking over the marsh the Sound is in sight.  10:30 on St. Catherines Sound, water very bouncy with wind against tide.  

10:55 shake out a reef, making 5.0 on the flood tide.  Skies clearing and warming up.

11:30 put the second reef back in the main entering Johnson Creek.  12:40 at green "131" see we have a helping tide, 4.9 downwind.

Shake out a reef as wind drops.  1:35 no wind, under power on Sapelo Sound.  2:30 high, thin overcast, getting hot.  Cross some area of upwelling water.  Wind begins to fill in.  Sailing again.

3:30 Sapelo River, 3:50 on the Front River.  

Nice breeze and it is getting hot.  Long day it seems.

Tide low on the rivers winding through the marsh.  Muddy banks and oyster reefs along shore.  A waterman in a skiff motors by, gives me two thumbs up and a smile.  Anchor down Crescent River at 4:20.

 30.05 NM

Vegetarian Chili

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