"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

day eight - north on Tangier Sound

Sail off anchor 6:25, pretty morning with good northeast wind, a single reef tucked in the main.  

Pass in sight Crisfield on the Little Annemessex River, round Island Point and slip out on Tangier Sound at 7:05.  Cool morning, slip on foul weather bibs and a sweater.  Doing 3.4 against the chop out of the northeast.

At 7:25 making 4.4 to the north, more wind and bigger chop.  7:35 at green "9", sailing into the waves but doing ok.  

8:30 round up to tie in second reef, Deal Island to the northeast, making 4.5.  Kedges Straits to port.   Seems calmer at 8:30.  South Marsh Island to port at 9:00.

Steady sailing to north-northwest at 10:10.  Bloodsworth Island to port and very rough.  10:45 angle northwest across Hooper Strait, 4.3.  11:20 on the Honga River.  Calmer water on the river and making 5.3.  Drop the main at Crab Point to look for an anchorage.  Can't find one with this wind.

Slip back out on to the Honga and continue north.  Anchor down 1:30 off of Parks Neck south of Wroten Island.  Tall stand of trees gives us good protection.  Set up the boom.  Clean up SPARTINA and relax in the afternoon.

28.84 NM

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