"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Friday, June 21, 2019

day eight - back to North Creek

I wake early, way too early.  Maybe 4 a.m.  A calm, cool, peaceful night on the creek.  The moon glows the west.  Even the jib glows, lit by the anchor light hanging beneath the bow sprit.

Sail off anchor 6 a.m., steady wsw wind.  1.6 on Durham Creek, a maple sea salt bar for breakfast.  Out on the river and making 3.7 at 7:00, soon 4.8 sailing along the south shore.

Tack west of Long Point at 7:55.  Motor sailing at 8:10, SPARTINA rolling from side to side in the chop, sails hanging loose.  

Wind fills in and we sail across the river.  Just after 9:00 in the creek, wind blocked by the trees and under power.  I check the gps coming in to the dock, 198 NM.  Approaching the ramp Conway waves from a neighboring pier, welcomes us back.

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