I got my old vhf radio back from the ICOM repair guy in South Carolina. The radio, which I've had for eight years, died the day before the spring Weekend Walkabout (I'm really glad I turned the radio on to test the batteries as I was packing up the boat). I did not want to go on a trip without a vhf radio so I ran to West Marine and picked up a new ICOM vhf 150 (at right, below).
The idea of having a backup radio on appealed to me so I sent the old radio off for repair. Got it back for a few days later for $80, a fair price I think to have the second radio (below, left) on board. I'll probably put batteries in it, seal it in a bag and then tuck it away in the emergency back or hypothermia kit bag.

The other piece gear I would like to have a as a backup is a gps. On the first day of the Walkabout I dropped my garmin legend etrex a few inches to the deck and the screen when blank. That caught my attention. Fortunately is was just a battery that jarred loose (I think). I had planned on upgrading to a Garmin Etrex Venture GPS this winter. When I do that I'll tuck the old gps in with the old radio.
(Quick question: Why do they always make the handheld radios black? My SPOT is orange, the current gps is a clear aquamarine, the new gps will be yellow. How about a nice bright color for the radios so they are easier to fine?)
I've also been doing the pre-trip shopping, picking up some food here and there when I do the regular grocery shopping. I'm in good shape on breakfast bars and lunches. And I've got a pretty good start on fruit cups and dinners. I also stopped by the Bass Pro Shop to pick up two Heater Meals, I always like to have those on board in case of rain (don't want to use the stove with the boom tent in place) or if I'm just too tired to cook.
I'm about six or seven weeks out from the trip and all the planning seems to be on schedule.