"When I think of all the fools I've been it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Friday, April 7, 2023

day fifteen - crossing the line

Wind howls all night long, particularly in the early morning hours.  At least it is a west wind so I think that I am good to head south.  Cast off 8:45.  Passing Jekyll Point to port I find it is too gusty and rough to sail.  I take a battering under mizzen and jib, realizing that the wind is more out of the southwest than I had expected and can't make heady in the chop. Bring down the jib and begin motoring across the sound.

9:30 cross a tide line on to St. Andrews Sound, calmer on the other side.  

9:40 believe I see a second tide line ahead.  Just as I approach I see it is not a tide line, it is a shoal.  I swing the outboard to reverse and let the wind blow us off the shoal.  I raise the center board a little and reset the rudder, drifting east until I find some deeper water.  

It is a long hard morning, strong gust winds out of the southwest and choppy water.  Heavy overcast and we motor into the building wind to reach the Cumberland River.  

11:00 the sun breaking through.  Noon near Cabin Bluff the river turns down wind and I finally sail under mizzen and jib, making 4.1 in the strong winds.  

12:10 raise a double reefed main.  Too much wind on the stern and soon bring down the main.  Mizzen and jib, 4.8 with a helping tide.  

12:45 pass the southern entrance to the Brickell River.  1:10 making 3.0 against the tide.  1:30 gusty winds off Kings Bay.

2:00 raise double reefed main.  2:25 shake out the second reef.  Too many markers at the entrance channel to Kings Bay and I loose the channel in the confusion of red and green.  Soon find my way back to the channel.

3:30 cross into Florida with Fort Clinch to the southeast.  Dark clouds hover above but I can see clearing skies coming.

Anchor down 4:20 mouth of the Amelia River.

27.75 NM
Chicken and pasta casserole



Enrico said...

wow... what a day! Fair winds, Steve.

Steve said...

Hi Enrico. Everyday was interesting in its own way. Great trip! Steve