"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Friday, October 20, 2017

day two - north to the Miles River

A crystal clear night, skies filled with stars.

The first deadrise comes in darkness, navigation lights and a rumbling diesel moving across Irish Creek.  The second comes with a hint of dawn, green and red lights coming straight towards Spartina.  She comes up to about 20 yards away and turns to her starboard.  No doubt that I've anchored in a favorite crabbing spot.

We sail off anchor at 6:30, the second deadrise following in behind us to set a trot line.  Howell Point at 6:45, 1.8 knots in the wind shadow of the point but a good heading towards Knapp Narrows.  The sun shows above the trees as we cross the mouth of Broad Creek at 3 knots.  I can see about a dozen deadrises working their trot lines.  We drop down to 1.8 knots, steady, cool and comfortable.  

Through Knapp Narrows just after 9:00.  While calling the bridge I notice my vhf batteries are low so I tie up at a floating pier on the narrow to put in some new batteries.  A kindred spirit passes by in a nice catboat with a dinghy in tow.

Full sail on Poplar Island Narrows before 10:00 and we begin a series of tacks north, the north wind and tide against us.  Blue skies and a few white clouds.  Light chop and I can feel the ebb current on the starboard tacks.  

Crackers, italian canned tuna and a cup of fruit for lunch.  Just after noon and we are out of the narrows, the tide seems to be slowing and the wind shifts a little to the east.  Making 3.4 knots.

A few more tacks and we are off Claiborne, the old ferry landing.  One more tack and we cut inside the markers, crossing the shoals at Tilghman Point.  Late afternoon and the wind is falling off.  The sun feels hot.  Anchor down just inside Tilghman Point at 4:30.  No wind and all.  I can hear but not see a tractor working in a nearby field.  I can also hear the high pitched cries of eagles flying as they head out over the Miles River in the evening.

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