"When I think of all the fools I've been it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Thursday, August 10, 2023

day one - forgotten

One thousand and twenty five miles of driving.  Two days on the road.  Twelve hours the first day with a stop somewhere in Connecticut, I can't figure out the name of the town.  Eight hours the second day, arriving at the boat yard in Brooklin, Maine at 12:30.

I park the truck and boat by the ramp, walk up to the yard office.  Inside there are two women.  I ask for one by name.  "That's me" she says.  I say "hi, I'm Steve, just got here."  And she says "Who?" I tell her we talked on the phone a couple weeks ago, talked about how I was going to trailer up with my sailboat, launch, sail away for a few weeks.  She gives me a blank look.  "I'm sorry, I don't remember your name at all, I don't remember anything about a phone call.  Nothing, not one bit."  

"So you want to launch your boat, leave it here, and come sail every day?"

So I have to explain from scratch.  Small boat, launch, sail away for a while, leave truck and trailer at the yard, come back in a few weeks, haul out and leave.  

I'm told I'll have to pay for this, I tell them I did not expect anything for free.  I'm quoted a price, which was $150 less than the price quoted on the forgotten phone call.  "Deal!" 

Cast off 3:00.  Light wind, full sail and making 2.3 on Herrick Bay.  I am not going anywhere today, just want to get SPARTINA in the water and get a good night's rest.  

There is a mooring field that is filled with beautiful boats.  Most unoccupied but there are people on a few of them.  People wave as I sail by.  More wind, making 3.7 in the afternoon southwesterly breeze.

I'm looking at Navionics on my phone and comparing to my gps.  Lots of shallow areas, lots of rocks.  With ten foot tides I spend a lot of time trying to figure out where to anchor.  Don't want to end up on a mud bottom, or worse, on top of a rock.  I finally pick a spot in line with some moorings, figure if it is good enough for the boats on the moorings then it is good enough for me.

Anchor down 4:30

2 NM



Jim V said...

Looking good Steve. What would you guess is the height of your boom over the deck? I'm just starting my mast build and I have the standard boom just as you do. Sorry for posting this here but I can't find your email address in my files. It's been a while.
Jim Vibert

Steve said...

With the main down the boom sits at 33 inches above the base of the mast. When the main is raised the boom comes up 8 or 10 inches at the mast. Of course the boom is angled up so the farther back you go the higher the boom sits. But I don't have a specific measurement on that. Steve