"When I think of all the fools I've been it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

a Pathfinder in town

A brief wonderful sail this morning, steady southwest breeze and nice blue skies.  Cruising boats are starting to show up in Craford Bay.  The boat in front will be heading to Europe soon, the second boat on its way to the Florida Keys.  

The river is starting to come to life.  The AMERICAN ROVER is rigged with new sails, ready for her first sail of the season late this week.

 I headed in early to go see Bobby Asher and his Pathfinder LAGNIAPPE at Little Bay Canvas.  He had stopped in to talk with Angel about a boom tent for his boat.  Sounds like it might be similar to mine but with a few changes to suit Bobby's boat and his style of cruising.  It was great to see him, and also very nice to see Angel who has done some really nice canvas work for me over the years.  I'm going to shoot a few detail photos of SPARTINA'S boom tent to show Bobby and remind Angel how my tent is set up.  Good luck to both of them on the new project.


Rik_Studio said...

Nice Pathfinder. I like the stepped/hinged mainmast setup.

Steve said...

Agreed. I'm pretty sure that was one of Bobby's innovations. Steve