"When I think of all the fools I've been it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

day ten - after the storm

Calm and peaceful on Fogg Cove.  A pleasant change.  I move SPARTINA around to a little floating dock to bring down the boom tent and ready her for the day's sail.

I note that after two days of strong north winds my dock lines have made their mark on the pilings.

Kristen comes down to say goodbye and helps me cast off the lines.  I thank her, as always, for her hospitality.  There is a light northwest breeze.

On the Miles River and all sails up at 9:35, 2.3 and a very pleasant morning.  Make 2.8 approach Deep Water Point.  10:10 wind drops and motor sailing.  10:50 no wind at all, main/jib come down and under power.

Tilghman Point to the west at 11:30.  I've got the trolling line out and the drag goes off.  A small striper that I release back into the river.  12:20 off Parsons Island, a light southwest breeze ruffles the surface of the water.  It teases but does not fill in.  

Reach the Kent Narrows life bridge for the 1:30 lift, holding under power against a .8 kt flood tide.  The bell rings, the bridge lift and SPARTINA runs with the current through the opening.  

On the Chester River with full sail at 1:40, a light north wind and making 1.2 kts with the trolling line out. Trying to decide on an anchorage for the night, either Queenstown Creek to the east or Hail Creek to the north.  I do want to keep moving north so choose Hail Creek.  No luck fishing so bring the trolling line in. 2:50 making 1.7 across the Chester River.  Main and jib down at 3:45, under power into Hail Creek.

I notice some gulls diving along the marsh that lines Hail Creek, a few baitfish jumping and swirls in the water.  I round up to cast a gold spoon, fish on and a good fight but the striper goes back around the boat, shakes off the hook.  Looking towards shore I see the gulls are gone but there is another swirl in the shallow water.  A second cast and fish on again, this time I bring the striper in.  

We head into the creek, the anchorage is just about fifty yards away, drop anchor and clean the fish.  Filets don't get any fresher.

17.16 NM for the day, pan-fried striper and mushroom risotto for dinner.  It's good to be back on the water.


1 comment:

Shawn Stanley said...

Yummo on the fresh fish!!