Wake to a morning covered in a thin layer of fog on Inner Seal Bay. Everything a little damp from yesterday's weather.
No wind, under power 6:55. Low tide and I follow the channel past the 10 or 12 boats anchored along the way. No signs of life on the bigger boats. Passing my first anchorage from yesterday, a cove surrounded by rocks just off of Winter Harbor, I realize I should have trusted my first instincts and stayed there. A perfect anchorage for a small boat.
Out of the bay and passing Bluff Head I look to the east-southeast. Isle Au Haut is hidden in fog. 7:40 I can see I can see small islands due east. Merchant Island is somewhere beyond those small islands. I turn towards the islands. Soon they disappear in fog.
8:15 a red buoy to port, nothing else but fog. 8:25 a low-lying island straight ahead.
Check the gps, can't see the islands on the screen. I'm confused. Switch to Navionics on my phone and get a better look. Using the app I follow the path through the islands and ledges.
Pass the first couple islands and a lobster boat comes into view. A woman hauling pots on the boat pauses, smiles and waves. Morning doesn't seem some damp and dreary any more. The fog begins to lift.
Sparrow Island to port, I can now match the islands to what I see on Navionics. 9:15 Harbor Island off the starboard bow, and next to that is Merchant Island. Round small Harbor Island, drop the anchor in Merchant Harbor. Waiting on wind, I spread out some gear to dry. And then take a nap. 11:45 sun breaks through, getting warm. A little wind. Raise sail, tack out of the Harbor. Wind disappears, drift in circles under full sail. Check the app and gps, under power to Stonington at the south end of Deer Isle. Pass several small islands, including Steve Island, then cut between George Head and St. Helena Islands. Stonington ahead and I can pick out the town dock inside the mooring field.
Tie up at the town dock 1:50. A sign warns strongly against overstaying the two hour limit.
I get a Caesar Salad at Stonecutters Kitchen. Perfect light lunch.
Then a walk through town. During lunch I had read on my phone that it is National Oyster Week. I search for oysters, stopping at a few restaurants and a food stand. No luck. It is getting hot so I step into the cool and comfortable 44 North for an iced tea.
Cast off 3:50 just as my time at the dock expires, but I don't think anyone would have minded if I stayed a bit longer. Nice afternoon wind, full sail at 4:05. Sail out toward Camp and Devil Islands, just enjoying the view and the wind.
4:45 thunderstorm warning, heavy rain and high winds. I can see small, tight storm to the northwest. The storm looks to be spent but figure it is a good time to head to an anchorage.
Anchor down in a little cove between Round and McGlathery Islands 5:25.
18.12 NM