"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haitian boats

I can't help but photograph these hand built wooden boats, they are beautiful.

And it keeps my mind off the task at hand.



Unknown said...

Good shots Steve, well done. Been following your thread for some time now, have Navigator plans in hand here in Savannah. Now expecting a pink slip within a couple of months though, may not get to it until next year... in Florida?

Anyway, I get to live a little bit of it vicariously through your lens and descriptions.


Kristen said...

Great photos, Steve. Stay safe!

Russ Manheimer said...


Been reading your fine Blog for some time, thanks for the ride.

I've found an organization that sends used sails to Haitian fisherman. Details here www.sjogin.com


Unknown said...

I've thought about you this week, Steve, since you said you were going down there. Beautiful pictures; rough duty.

- Dale

tom williamson said...

Been reading your blog from time to time, curious to know what your Haiti duty is.
Looking forward to the sailing season,