"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Sunday, December 25, 2011

a big holiday kiss...

to everyone out there.  Merry Christmas!

A nice little ornament the girls picked up
at the Rag Picker in Ocracoke.

Enjoy the day.



Baydog said...

Merry Christmas Steve, to you and your family!

Doc Häagen-Dazs said...

We had a great holiday, Steve! Hope you and yours did the same!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a happy one with your family and friends!

I spent some time Christmas day placing orders for boat parts on-line. Predictable...

Steve said...

Hope you guys all had a great holiday. Ours was excellent, though I find myself back at work already. Oh well.

Bill, there are worse things to be doing than ordering boat parts.
