Sunday, April 17, 2016

I'll take that burger medium-rare and, uh, compromised

It was a breezy, chilly double-reefed kind of morning on the river.  I took my time before casting off, looking at the boom tent and imagining minor changes I might make.  It would work fine as is, but I think there is a little room for improvement.

I've enjoyed sailing with the small fabric tell-tales I've put on the shrouds, finding the they help me "see" the wind a little bit better.  The wind was gusting into the 20's where we made 6.2 mph, Spartina moving at 5.2 in the lulls and over 4 in the wind shadow of the downtown buildings.

For lunch I decided to try a new burger and beer joint a block off the waterfront.  Nice interior of heavy dark wooden beams, a huge selection of beers (I ordered iced-tea, which they had only "sweetened" as is the southern tradition), and a list of burgers heavily seasoned with hot peppers.  I told the waitress that though it might sound boring, I would settle for a plain burger with mayo, lettuce and tomato.  She responded that "not only do we not serve burgers with tomato, there are no tomatoes on the premises.  The acid in tomatoes compromises the burgers."  I responded the only way I could:  "Seriously?"  Yes, she was serious.  I glanced down at the menu to see the "special" burger for the day was being served with two glazed doughnuts as a bun, available with a side of fried oreos instead of french fries.  Yes, very glad to see they are not compromising anything.  I asked that my sweetened iced tea put in a "go" cup and walked to the sub shop.  

Snowbirds haven been late to arrive this spring, probably because of the rainy March and cold, windy April.  The Pride of Baltimore II was at Ocean Marine, a visit they make every year or two, routine hull maintenance before heading to Baltimore for the summer season.  Spring sail is about six weeks away, time to start counting batteries, notebooks, etc.

Two great days on the water.  A nice little break.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Evidently they are not Burger King and you can NOT "have it your way."

But really - a burger without a nice slab of beefsteak tomato? Come on!