"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Friday, April 21, 2017

done, here and there



Just touch up and clean up left to do for the spring maintenance.  I painted the deck and sheer strake, sanded and varnished the rub rails, coaming, masts, tiller, boomkin and couple of other small pieces of bright work.  My typical workboat finish, but the wood is well sealed and ready for the spring sail.

I've been rushing to get Spartina ready for sailing this weekend but the weather does not look favorable.  So maybe it is time to start packing food and checking gear.

and there....

Webb is done with his most recent leg, arriving St. Lucia after departing St. Helena about five weeks ago.  Looks like some beautiful sailing.  From his journal....

The day’s runs from St. Helena add up to 3859 miles, the second longest passage GANNET has made.  In the little over two months since we sailed from Durban, the little boat has crossed another ocean and covered 6423 miles.  

Even more pleasing because it wasn’t planned, but serendipitous, is that we have sailed more than half the world from Darwin, Australia to Rodney Bay, St. Lucia with only two stops:  Durban and St. Helena.  Anchored at Darwin, Australia at 130º49’E, we are now at 60º57’W.  That is more than 191º of longitude.  We have also swung from 12ºS latitude to 35ºS, then up to 14ºN.  Daily runs from Darwin to St. Lucia total 12,337 miles, and her miles since leaving San Diego 22,016.  Not bad for a little boat intended to day race around buoys. 


Rik said...

She looks nice and fresh for the ocean... Good job. Hope that weather becomes perfect for you.

Rich D. said...

You might call it a workboat finish but I think she looks terrific Steve! Looking forward to reading and seeing your adventures this year! - Rich

Steve said...

Thanks, guys. Photos can lie, believe me I know. But she does look pretty good, doesn't she? steve

Canoe Sailor said...

Amazing for a workboat finish! Thanks for sharing/ If you ever are near Morehead city for the weekend, let me know and I'll show you a real workboat like finish and take you out for the dolphin tour.

Steve said...

Canoe Sailor, it is a good 25 foot paint job, if you know what that means. Thanks
