"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Monday, April 2, 2018

a second halo

We sailed under a sun halo yesterday, the second time we've done so in nine days.  What does that mean??

I launched under clear skies but by the time we were down river the overcast moved in along with a chilly and gusty wsw wind.  For a while I was second guessing my decision to sail.  But midday the skies cleared and it was beautiful sailing.  A few snowbirds headed up the river on their way north.  I suspect with the cold winter and even colder early spring the migration north on the icw will be a little bit late this year. 

Nearly loaded up to sail today but a last second check of the forecast - which included blue skies, rain, gusty cold wind, which all proved to be true - caused me to just take the day to relax.  I needed a break.

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