"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Saturday, October 10, 2020

back home

Back home after 24 days on Chesapeake Bay.  Just a great trip.  Going through my notes is looks like about 460 miles of sailing.  Certainly my longest trip both in matters of time and distance sailed.  Good sailing, some good fishing and saw a lot of friends along the way.  Below are snapshots from the SPOT track, which are apparently limited to 500 positions per page.  

Above is the first batch of days from the trip from Cambridge, top enter, to Tangier and Pocomoke Sounds at the bottom.

Second batch is from Pocomoke Sound, bottom, to Rock Hall at the top.

And the final batch is from Rock Hall up to Chesterton, top right, and then back down through Kent Narrows, St. Michaels, Kent Island and, finally, Cambridge, center bottom.

I'll be busy the next couple of days, cleaning gear, downloading photographs from three cameras and downloading the gps tracks, which should give a better look at the trip.



Shawn Stanley said...

Steve, I am almost certain you qualify for the Spinsheet Century Club. You did 25% in one shot!
If you are interested, https://www.spinsheet.com/join-spinsheet-century-club

Steve said...

I've considered that before. With three cruises and a ton of day sailing I might well qualify. Maybe for next year. steve