"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


 "The ranch was large, and it took four or five hours on foot to get to that place, since my father didn’t like to ride on horseback. We’d get there and sit, mainly at the end of October or the beginning of November, the beginning of the rainy season, when the clouds would arrive, loaded and heavy, and the light would be remarkable."

...from a wonderful interview with Sebastião Salgado in the New York Times.  Photograph by Sebastião Salgado.


MaryLou said...

Thanks for pointing out the article. I think I have a different definition of artist than does the subject. Sure looks like art to me. Makes me want to see the film.

Steve said...

Yes, I've got that film on my list too. You ought to browse some of his work on the internet, really wonderful stuff. steve

MaryLou said...

I actually recognized the gold mine work from years ago and did look through what the Times had in its galleries for its two articles but given a bit of time to contemplate the photos, I will look for more. It struck me in the interview that even as he denied he was an artist, he approached his art as his work in the sense that both Hemingway and Picasso used the term. It's work done everyday, working at an art and creating a body of work/works. I tend to think of life as being like that but for an artist, the art itself becomes life.