"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Friday, July 7, 2017

midsummer break

The logs are - finally (appropriate word choice I think) - done for the Finally 240.  You'll see them below and I hope to have the complete link list posted at the right by this evening.  It took longer than expected to get the log put together, which I can blame directly on work and a really fun summer of sailing when not at work.

June had to be one of the nicest Junes in my experience on the mid-Atlantic.  Surprisingly cool, dry wind out of the north was both unexpected and very welcome.  It even had me convinced that with a four-day-weekend I could do a short cruise on Tangier Sound.  But July arrived with southwest wind, heat and humidity, reminding me why I don't cruise in July and August.  Instead, I'll keep Spartina on the waterfront for at least four days, maybe more, for morning and evening sailing, and also do some sailing on a much larger boat, more about that later.

Photo above is from last weekend as the oldest daughter, co-builder of Spartina and part of the original crew, joined the Pilgrim and myself for a sail.


Rich D. said...

I really enjoyed your log posts Steve! A couple of weekends ago my wife and I were driving over the Berkeley Bridge on a Sunday morning and I told her: "There's Spartina, that guy Steve really does it right." Although I doubt I will ever be a camp-cruising adventurer like you, I do have a list of sailing dinghy candidates for purchase sitting in front of me. I think the Pardeys got it right too: "Go simple, go small, go now."

Steve said...

Good to hear from you, Rich. Yes, it has been a good summer for sailing so far. I do agree with the Pardeys, but in my case it is simple things for the simple minded. steve