Every time I get that first view of the Pasquotank River it takes my breath away. Each and every time. And I've seen that view for thirty years now. Down past the Dismal Swamp to old highway 158, right turn on North Water Street and I look to my left to see that beautiful river. The water, stained a tea color by the the swamp's cypress trees, ambles a dozen miles from Elizabeth City waterfront down a gently winding tree-lined path to Albemarle Sound. But it always looks to me like a river that goes on forever.
A wonderful day of sailing, the last sail of 2018, yesterday. For some reason I got the bug to shoot some video with the GoPro. Shaky camera and bad audio, don't bother watching it unless you got a minute and 25 seconds of your life that you will never want to get back.

Shooting videos will always be an exception for me, I prefer still images. I'll leave video to my sailing friends who know how to use a steady camera and capture clean audio.
Yesterday was also a good test of the new Stohlquist Amp drysuit. The water was cold enough - 50 degrees - to wear the suit for safety but the air temperature was up to about 65 degrees. I had to wonder if the drysuit would be too hot, or maybe even clammy with the warm weather. It was not. It was in fact very comfortable. Stohlquist advertises a four layer waterproof/breathable material and I guess they aren't kidding about the breathable part. I have only used it twice but have to say I am very pleased by both the comfort and safety it provides.
A great way to end the sailing year. Looking forward to 2019.
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