"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Monday, August 31, 2020

front page news

An email from David tells me SPARTINA is on the front of Oriental's online news site TownDock.  How nice!  My thanks for Allison for the nice photographs.  That's me at the left in the orange shirt talking with Jimmy.  He lives in Oriental now but we both work for the newspaper in Longview, Texas in the early 1980s (small world!).  At the far right is Curt, who was sailing with me in his Drascombe Longboat Cruiser ANNIE.  We had a great trip and the visit to Oriental was a highlight.



Rik_Studio said...

See, now you are famous also! Soon people will start following you on the water like they did with in the movie with Tom Hanks because he spoke the Truth...
This swirling world does strange things to human minds. Simple joys, making things with your own hands, enjoy nature, enjoy all the Gifts around us... Spartina is the ticket.

Tom said...

Vary nice! I check Towndock at least every other day - I LOVE Oriental - and been wondering when they'd post the pics from you springtime visit. And Spartina looks grand, even from 6 inches way....my boat, you have to back up a few yards so you don't notice all the flaws. I see from the bow closeup that you've countersunk and plugged every screw hole, wow!

Steve said...

Thanks, Tom. And don't worry, plenty of flaws on SPARTINA, just not in that one little area. steve

Tom said...

Steve, you and Curt have made it to the Shipping News:


Heady stuff! Glad that us regular denizens of "logofspartina" can now say that we knew you "BEFORE" fame and fortune! :)