"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Monday, February 20, 2023


Webb and I went down to the docks this afternoon to get some photographs of SPARTINA and GANNET tied up side by side.  It was kind of fun.  Webb has been a great host for the last couple days on Hilton Head.  I’m heading out tomorrow morning with a good forecast. 

So I sail SPARTINA on bays and sounds, Webb sailed GANNET around the world.   Guess who gets to tell sailings stories over drinks in the evening. 



Clark said...

SPARTINA and GANNET could swap a few stories...

MaryLou said...

Great photo. Love how each of those boats sits on their lines with someone standing on the side deck. And those big tides as evidenced by the height of the barnacles on the pilings! I must say I find both of your sailing stories equally compelling. I can only imagine the stories told over drinks.

And on another note, first full squad Phillies Spring Training workout ís tomorrow {Tuesday). We'll be there to watch.

Wishing you continued fine sailing.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy spring training!