"When I think of all the fools I've been it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

thanksgiving delayed

The last of the snow birds are trickling down past mile marker "0" on the ICW these days.  Warmer than usual with clear skies, it must be a wonderful time to sail south for Florida, the Bahamas or wherever.  

From the bridge this afternoon I could see there are a couple of boats anchored for the evening in Craford Bay.  I wonder if they will stay moored to celebrate the holiday.  Maybe I will sail by them in the morning and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving.  For a variety of reasons - travel, distance and work - Thanksgiving for us will be Saturday afternoon.  In the meantime the sailing forecast can only be described as perfect for this time of year - mid-60s, clear skies and 8 to 10 mph of wind.

For those who have a better schedule than I, Happy Thanksgiving!  Enjoy the day.  And I'll raise a toast to you on Saturday.

1 comment:

JimB said...

Happy Thanksgiving! We will be thankful for a sail too, we've been eyeing the weather reports all week.