"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Saturday, June 10, 2017

can't help myself

Out on the river this morning about 7:00, wanted to get a close-up look at the tall ships before the crowds of people on shore and crowd of spectator boats arrived.  So here are some more photos.  The jewel of the show is the BAP Únion, the year-old training ship for the Peruvian Navy.  At 380 feet in length she dwarfed the other tall ships.

Shorter in length than BAP Únion's bow sprit, the tugantine (sail-powered tug) Norfolk Rebel was tucked up in her usual spot at the corner of the marina dock.

Above, left to right, are the El Galeón out of Spain, the Esmeralda from Chile and the BAP Únion.

And tied to the dock behind the BAP Únion was the schooner Virginia.  Nice morning on the water.

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