"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Saturday, April 26, 2014

it's time

...to go to Walmart and buy a new watch to hang under the aft deck of Spartina.  The old one, a $20 gem from the same store, lasted about three years.  I don't need a watch when day sailing, but I like to have one on cruises so I can note the time when I jot down my notes.

....to email my friend Maria in Onancock, owner of the Charlotte E. Foster, to see, should the spring trip start in Onancock, if she can suggest a place where I can leave the jeep and trailer during the sail. And, should the spring trip start in Chincoteague, if I can raft up with the Charlotte when I finish the trip in Onancock.

...to update my Virginia salt water fishing license, which is recognized in both Virginia and Maryland waters.  Bluefish should be around, as should some stripers.

...to check out my camera batteries.  I'm good with the X-20 batteries, but probably need a couple of new ones for the Pentax Optio W-90.  I probably ought to do a recharge with the solar system too.

...to start thinking about soft shell crabs on Tangier Island.  Despite the polar vortex and cold, cold winter, my crabber friends tell me soft shell season is more closely tied with the moon phases and should be right on schedule for the spring trip.

...to refresh my memory on how to boil crawfish for our backyard boil which is coming up quicker than I had imagined.  Invites went out last week.  If you did not receive one, my apologies.  "Bring to a boil, lower to simmer, 15 minutes and then put them steaming hot into the cooler to season."

...to have dinner, my wife (who says she does not know how to cook), tells me.  Salmon with brown sugar and citrus over a bed of sautéed spinach and sun dried tomatoes with pasta.  I think she does know how to cook.  Yes, time to eat.  Catch you later.....

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