"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Friday, September 24, 2021

a man of leisure

Pretty dawn light this morning as I ran SPARTINA to the ramp to back her in to the water so I could make some adjustments on the trailer.  A front moved through yesterday bringing cool dry air that will hang around for at least a few days.  How nice.

My usual routine to start a cruise involves getting up at 0-dark-thirty, making the predawn drive to the ramp, rigging, launching and then sailing the first leg.  A long day to say the least.   I realized the other day that being retired I am now a man of leisure.  So instead I will make a leisurely drive up on Sunday and launch the boat.  I might sail a few miles to an anchorage, or I might just tie up in the basin on Cambridge Creek, get dinner, relax and be ready to sail at dawn the next day.  That sounds kind of nice.

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