"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

two pathfinders on Chesapeake Bay

In an email Bobby tells me that there were in fact two Pathfinders sailing Chesapeake Bay this past weekend.  Could that be a first?  Maybe so.  While I had SPARTINA on the Piankatank and Rappahannock, he was sailing LAGNIAPPE to Annapolis.  Very cool.  I enjoyed this comment from his email....

I have fallen in love with the mizzen. It sits back there, mostly unattended, providing just enough propulsion to keep the boat maneuverable in light air or tight quarters, and keeps her in the wind for raising the main.  I think I'm a yawl man from here on out; so much more controlled than a sloop. 

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