"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Friday, April 30, 2021

tracking map for the spring sail (CORRECTED!!!)

Checking the link to the SPOT tracking map I see I inadvertently used a link for a SPOT test.  I have corrected it in both locations below.  The track should go live sometime tomorrow morning.  The correct  link is:  https://maps.findmespot.com/s/5PLS

A little touch up on the bottom paint.  Packing coming along well.  Forecast looks good beginning Monday morning.

If you want to follow along the tracking map is here.  Or copy and paste the link below.  Map should go live sometime Monday morning.




Rik_Studio said...

That trailer looks new... is it?
Have a great trip Steve.

Rik_Studio said...

oh wait... i now recall you had a mishap with the (old) trailer... a while ago.