"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


It is summer camp time for kids at Tidewater Wooden Boat Workshop.  It was fun morning with about 10 kids ages (I'm guessing) 12-14.  One of today's projects was building this small model boat.  Interesting thing is the kids are given a set up plans and have to use 18 different tools to put together the simple little boat.  It takes a little math, a lot of measuring and learning to use some power tools - a drill press, table sander, band saw.  The kids needed a little guidance with all that.  When it comes to painting, get out of the way.  They know exactly what they want to do.  


I'm doing some measuring myself these days.  Getting ready to replace the 14-year-old stays on SPARTINA.  Plus counting the food supplies I have on hand for the fall sail.  Every visit to the grocery store I pick up a little something more.  Today it was Rx Bars and That's it. bars.  

The fall trip is several weeks off but I've got a five day schooner trip to Cape Charles and then a week-long haul out to replace the stays, maintenance coats of paint and varnish and maybe some new bottom paint.  No doubt the fall sail will come sooner than expected.


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