"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Friday, February 12, 2010

weather, weather

Snow in the south.

TownDock, the online news site in Oriental ran a great drawing by Laura Turgeon to help residents imagine August weather when in fact the forecast has a 90% chance of snow tonight and tomorrow.
I've got to say I'm a fan of Oriental, TownDock and Laura Turgeon. I've never met Laura (hope to someday) but Bruce and I did meet her husband Gilbert on our last sail through Oriental. He invited us over to their studio where we saw some great work by both artists. I do wish TownDock would update Laura's Drawing the Town feature on their page. But even if they don't you can still see more of her work at her own site.

And more weather. I was looking at Perry Burton's Coastal Cruising in a Pathfinder blog. Perry built the sloop rigged Pathfinder "Pikake" (a really beautiful boat) up in Newfoundland, Canada. He has an interesting post about a winter storm that damaged some of the old waterfront buildings that housed fishing gear stored by generations of fisherman. This will be a winter to remember for a lot of us on the east coast.

We've got the storm coming in tonight (I hope to sneak down to the Outer Banks to see what it is like down there) and another coming in on Monday.
So when does winter end?


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