"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Sunday, February 28, 2010

winter work

It didn't make it into the 50's today but it was warm enough to roll the boat out of the garage and get another coat of varnish on the rub rails, tiller, boomkin and centerboard cap. Tomorrow it should be warmer and I hope to get some touch-up paint on the hull and deck.

It got colder in the late afternoon so I rolled Spartina back into the garage and brought the smaller pieces inside to dry in the warm house. By tomorrow the boat should be ready to sail (but as Spring goes on I'll add a few more coats of varnish). We just need a little warm weather.

I did get a solid vote from Bruce for using Dixon Creek as our anchorage on the first night out. That is the creek below, just off of Goose Creek leading to the ICW south of the Pamlico River.
We stayed there last Spring on the Skeeterbeater. I guess there are two thoughts on going back there. One: We've been there before, why not explore new territory? Two: It was a great anchorage, surrounded by pine trees covered in spanish moss. A pretty cool place. (This spot is a lot different from other anchorages. Typically anchorages along the edge of the sound are surrounded by marsh. This spot was surrounded by tall trees that blocked the wind and made it a very quiet, peaceful place.)

As Bruce pointed out, we got there late in the day on our last trip, worn out for a long day of beating into the wind and the waves. Here's our post from that visit. Why not visit Dixon Creek again, relax and enjoy it. Sounds good to me.


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