"When I think of all the fools I've been it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Monday, November 25, 2019

the last docking

Through a quirk of the new corporate vacation and holiday rules I somehow found myself with an unexpected eight day vacation.  Being a good employee I did not complain.

It was 34 degrees when I got in the jeep this morning, 46 degrees less than an hour later when I finished rigging SPARTINA and launched her into a very high tide on Scuffletown Creek.  It was an absolutely perfect fall day.  Cool, yes, but not a cloud in the sky and better than forecast winds as I tacked back and forth on the Elizabeth River.  The forecast for tomorrow is a slightly higher temperature and slightly less wind.

I tied up at Waterside Marina, the last tie-up at this particular dock.  Over the next few days the marina will be shut down, the roughly 35-year-old floating docks will be disconnected, towed around the corner and lifted by crane out of the water.  By March the marina will re-open with a set of new floating docks in a new configuration.  I look forward to docking at the rebuilt marina next spring.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Hi Steve, are you planning to be daysailing during your "vacation" or are you doing a short cruise? Your neck of the woods has so many fascinating corners - up the James to Chickahominy River, The York, and all those rivers off Mobjack Bay. Here's hoping you get some late-fall boat time. I'm also staring at the weather forecasts and trying to see what I can sneak in this long weekend!