"When I think of all the fools I've been it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Saturday, June 26, 2021

day eighteen - north

A fresh set of clothes for the day!  Take my time pulling off the boom tent and sail covers, no rush as I am waiting for The Bean to open.  Iced tea and a cream cheese bagel for breakfast.  Cast off 7:45.

Heading down the channel Martijn backs out of a dock ahead of me in his steel-hulled PRINSES MIA.  I do not know Martijn well but we have crossed paths a few times in Oriental and also years ago in Chestertown.  He is an interesting sailor, always seems to be coming or going to Europe, Bermuda or the Caribbean.  Martijn waves and asks if I'll be coming back to Oriental soon.  Across the water I shout "No, I'm headed back north."  I tell him I'll see him on the next visit, he waves goodbye.

video, sailing north from Oriental

There's a nice breeze outside the breakwater, better than expected, a cool dry wind out of the north.  Making 5.0 on calm water.  8:30 off Pierce Creek.  Soon approaching Gum Thicket and doing 5.5.  Past the point at 9:20 and can see the Lighthouse Shoal marker.  

Making 4.6 to 5.0 approaching the shoal and decide to cut inside the marker.  Surprised that the cb and rudder touch bottom, I've crossed in this area before.  Must be low tide.

10:10 tacking into the north wind as it gets lighter and lighter.  11:30 in sight of Maw Point making just over a knot.  Whatever I gain with a little puff I seem to lose on the next tack.  Some more wind just before noon, then almost no wind.  Motor sailing at Maw Point, 12:30.  

Under power across the wide mouth of the Bay River.  Anchor down Rock Hole Bay at 1:25.  Boom tent up for shade, an afternoon of reading and relaxing.  Fettucini in a cream sauce with a can of tuna pour on top.  Excellent.

 19.99 NM for the day

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